Friday, July 5, 2024

The Divine Comedy


7sins, Felip's first album, finally came out on July 5, 2024. Before diving into the songs on the album, what is 7sins?

Dante's Inferno is perhaps one of, if not the most beautiful representation of hell. Biblically speaking, 7 deadly sins have plagued humanity since the beginning. According to the masterpiece, the journey to hell is like going to a funnel or an inverted cone, where each ring is narrower than the other. I, for one, don't believe that it is the sins we commit that bring us to hell. What are sins if not the actions we take rooted in our desire for satisfaction, a feeling sometimes too strong to ignore or fight?

But with Felip's 7sins, he took a different path and screamed all his frustrations out to and towards the world. It was no-holds-barred, all out in the open, and naked and bare. The album was just like the journey through the underworld. In every realm, a different pain was introduced, a different kind of torture. If 7sins was a journey through hell, it was a beautiful one.

The journey began with addressing his foes, people who hate him for no reason. Those who wish him to fail, and the people angry of his success. Since the beginning of his journey as an artist, people have been throwing him all kinds of negative thoughts, but he pushed through all of it and prevailed. Now, the people who hate him are those who are simply mad they couldn't pull him down. It's because they are Envy of his success and the love he receives from many.

Dubbed as a fashion icon in a country where many people learned a long time ago to settle for mediocrity, it could be expected for some to lash out at those they find different. It was an old ideology that sprouted during the Dark Ages when a person who simply knew which plant could be used to treat illnesses was hunted down by village people wielding torches and spikes. One would think such an outdated belief would be long gone with the development of science and technology, but it still exists, just in a different fashion.

Photo from ABS-CBN News

As a human, one can only take so much until it becomes too much anymore, and for artists, surrounded by the limelight, watched by everyone waiting for them to make mistakes, all they can do is bottle up their emotions. A human emotion can be perfectly compared to a volcano or an earthquake. Both will hold the heat and pressure for as long as they can until there's no other option but to release. A person can only contain so much pain and anger until he or she explodes and lash out. It was never a healthy practice but for some, they don't have an option. Holding everything in is the only thing they can do, so when they can't take it anymore, there comes wrath.

Another sad reality in life is that people will always take everything we can give until there's nothing left. They will dry us up, take all that they can, and then they will leave us when we're dried out. Greed is sometimes all others know because that's how they survived for a very long time. They learned that it was the only way to get ahead in life. When we love a greedy person, it is always like signing a death sentence because they don't know how to stop when they start. They will suck the life out of us and take all the love we can give

Photo from Rappler

Even when greedy people finally learn the error of their ways, they will never admit the mistakes they've made because of pride. Every failed relationship ever recorded had been destroyed by pride in one way or another. That is not to say that having pride in oneself is bad, but anything too much is unhealthy. Do you know what else is unhealthy? Gluttony. Just like greed, gluttony is the inability to stop consuming,. It can also be attributed to anything that we do excessively.  

And what's the other thing people do excessively? Lust. We do it secretly or openly, think about it but not act on it, but most of the time, we do. It's the hunger we feel that may be rooted in the strong need to feel and connect. It comes from our naturally incessant need to be with someone, to feel the warmth of their touch, and to be seen. Humans need to connect, emotionally, physically, and socially. It has always been in our nature.

Another natural thing for humans is to lay around and think that everything happens for a reason. If they are destined to get rich, they will. Leaving it all to destiny and fate is what they are good at. It's a sloth that mostly became the end of wonderful dreams. That reluctance to do something or make an effort, even when we know it's the right thing to do. These are the things that most people don't want to talk about, but Felip bravely journeyed into the inferno and faced the seven deadly sins in the name of his music and artistry. It was a brave move, throwing everything out in the open even when he knew that people would judge him.

He finally mastered not having a care in the world what other people would say about him. His music, his choice, and it definitely works in his favor. In the first twenty-four hours after the release of 7sins, Felip's album garnered massive recognition and success. It had been charting in different countries. We can only hope for the best for our sexiest main dancer's artistic journey.


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