Favorite Asian Act 2024

 Good things truly comes to those who deserve it because once again, SB19xA'tin proved that nothing is impossible. Having been nominated for the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards was an achievement on its own. This only proves that one is already recognized by entertainment giants outside of its locality, but to win is a whole different story. It required dedication, tireless effort, and sacrifices, and as A'tin has proven time and again, they are always willing to pour their unending love and support for the five. If this is not what love means, I don't know what is anymore.

SB19 has been making waves since their debut despite the lack of resources. They've proven the naysayers wrong and reached heights no one thought they could. From being the first Southeast Asian act to be nominated on Billboard, they already bagged numerous awards and recognitions. But this will not be possible without the support of thousands of people who believed in them, many of whom have been there since the beginning of SB19's journey. These people, who also struggle with their own lives, saw something in these five gentlemen that inspired them. 

It is amazing what people can do when they come together as one. No matter how grim tomorrow may seem, there is no doubt that they can weather any storm that comes their way. The connection, not just between SB19 and A'tin, but between the fans is truly inspiring. Many friendships were built out of their love for the five, some already lasted for as long as the fandom existed. As the author of this blog site, I am a living and breathing testament.

As someone who doesn't make friends easy and doesn't usually fit in, I never expected I would find people I now come to cherish. Having been in the fandom for just six months, I found people that made me feel comfortable connecting again. This is how MAHALIMA affects all of us. The camaraderie and genuine care they have for each other radiates so much that it spreads across the fandom. Being recognized by an award-giving body that focuses mostly on children, it is only fitting that our PPOP Kings were the chosen winner.

Children are known to gravitate towards genuinely good people. May it be because they can feel the goodness in their hearts or the calming  aura they have around, children can feel it. With numerous cocogentos dancing and singing to their songs, KCA found a great role model. Being recognized by an award-giving body that mainly focuses on children, SB19 will a great ambassador. This gorgeous men are children themselves. Their happily chaotic nature brings joy to all of us, and their natural innocence captivated our hearts in many occasions.

They are naturally playful that even Ken, who loves to maintain his maangas persona can't stop his child-like side from showing. This is one of the things that A'tin loves about them. No matter much they've grown or how far they've come, they will always be our chaotic quintet. Our light-bringers in this dark and grim world.

As fans, we can only hope that this recognition would open more doors for them, but come what may, they've already proven themselves. SB19 is not just a group of artists, but a group of genuinely good individuals. Their example will continue to inspire people in the years to come, and if fate permits, more hearts will open to welcome them. For now, congratulations SB19xA'tin!

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