Photos from @LacsonSibs on Twitter (X)

We finally entered the no more bullshit era of SB19. First was their confirmation that legal actions have been taken against the people spreading false accusations regarding SB19 and its members. Now, they performed an unreleased song titled KALAKAL, collaborating with the master rapper, Gloc-9. This is the best Filipino diss track ever made. No foul words were needed, but the song's impact was surely felt. But what does KALAKAL mean?

In modern Tagalog, kalakal means scraps, commonly plastics and metals, but way back when, kalakal means an item in exchange for something. Yes, it means trade. Before money and currency, people would trade produce, spices, silks, ceramics, and mined minerals with one another depending on what they needed. Nowadays, artists still do trade. They make art in exchange for people's support, and SB19 is no different. They create music to inspire people, and in return, these people they've inspired support them.

This is not your ordinary diss track, because it's SB19-made, and the verses were written by the members, themselves, while Gloc-9 wrote his own verses. Let's dive into the lyrics and hidden messages of the track, shall we?

Ken started the track with his verse written in his mother tongue, Visaya, and it talks about people complaining about things while being fake and getting angered when you're being real. Throughout their journey, SB19 has endured so much unprovoked hatred and bashing, but they never once retaliated. They kept their composure and held their heads high even when we all knew how much it may have hurt them. Even when vile accusations were thrown at them, they kept their mouth shut and focused on working hard for their career. They've always been true to themselves and never once have they faltered from their advocacy of bringing OPM on the global stage, still people continued to hate them. Well, it appears they've finally had enough.

For years, the group, mostly Ken and Josh were accused of being groomers and pedophiles. Some even went to some extent of posting "screenshots" as evidence of these horrifying accusations, claiming that their management and fans were enablers and had been covering up for them. One question remains unanswered regarding these claims: Where are the victims? They can't say the victims were afraid of the backlash from the fans which is why they are not coming out. If they truly were victims, then file a case and stay out of social media. They can't even say that SB19 has connections because when these accusations came out, SB19 hadn't had that many endorsements. How could they have connections? People who accused them of being these things couldn't even do so using their personal accounts. The funny thing is some people who already have a prejudice against SB19 easily buy these lies.

Every time SB19 or any of its members show their authentic selves, naysayers would always have something to say about them. Whether they did something good or remained silent about a certain issue, haters will always take shots at them. It's a never-ending cycle, but now, they are finally making a stand.

Justin's verse was basically telling their haters to shut up. That's right, Bujah. Tell them. What haters don't realize is that everything they say only bounces back to them. People call SB19 a has-been, yet they are still selling out concert after concert, being invited to prestigious platforms that promote real and raw talent, and being recognized by international award-giving bodies. Yes, that's how a has-been's career goes. All while these trolls and haters are almost certainly living a mediocre or worse, a miserable life. They see the things they can't have from SB19, and so they project their insecurities on these good souls.

Josh went a little harder and addressed those who are trying to undermine what they've done for the PPOP community and the whole OPM industry. The five-member group carried a whole community on their backs before people started to open their minds and hearts to what PPOP has to offer. SB19 had to suffer direct humiliation, and emotional and mental torture for the new breed of groups to have a chance in the industry. Yet people would do everything they could to make it seem like others opened the doors of opportunities for these rookies, erasing the work that the group has done.

Stell's verse was for all the social media bullies who mocked his and his brothers' appearances. They've been called the worst names imaginable and mocked for their looks when they were literally starting from scratch with little to no resources. They even had to do their own makeup before they truly became successful. People are easy to dismiss that simple truth for the sake of humiliating others. Despite their hard work to showcase their talent, many are still focused on looks, as if it has anything to do with singing or dancing.

Pablo's pre-chorus line literally and directly mocked the haters. Yes, he did and Hatdogs are very proud of him. Imagine claiming that you hate SB19, yet you are updated about everything they do. Their haters actually know their schedules more than their own fans. How could I say that? At times, they would be spreading hate comments on posts and MV releases way before A'tin could. How could they do that if they are not updated about SB19? What these haters don't realize is hating equates to interest. You wouldn't hate something you're not interested in, because of one simple fact. YOU DON'T CARE. If you hate someone, it means you cared enough to hate them. It's either you aspire to be them and you can't, or you idolize them and hate yourself for doing so.

Gloc-9's verse, as always, was written in style, telling anyone who would dare stand against them that there is absolutely nothing they could do. These six men spat facts with confidence, and all anybody can do is agree. They made their own paths whether people liked it or not, and they honestly don't give a crap. They've chosen their destiny and written their own history. Years would come and go, and their names will go down in history as some of the best, if not the best of them all. They will bulldoze all hurdles along their paths with truth and genuine talent, and we don't have a choice but to sit back and watch it all happen.

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