The Most Dedicated Fandom: Back-To-Back Billboard Fan Army Winner (2023-2024)


A'tin from the Filipino word atin or in English, ours. This is the name of the fandom of SB19's ultra-dedicated fans. The A in A'tin was to their first fans, the first people who supported them, Aurum. These were the first people who cheered for them and made them feel loved and accepted despite all the unprovoked hatred they received. The boys would never have made it, if Aurum's screams and cheers weren't loud enough. They were the foundation of this fandom.

Thanks to their loud cheers at live events and on social media, more people opened their hearts and minds to SB19, forming what is now called A'tin. The boys and the fandom have been through so much for six years. With all the hurdles, hatred, and relentless bashing, one would ask, why do these people stay? They could have chosen a different idol for their own peace of mind, instead, they chose to stay. Why? The answers may vary depending on who you'd ask, but I can say with certainty that many stayed because of how SB19 affected and changed their lives.

When the pandemic hit, the world stopped and it caused anxiety and depression to a lot of people. There was no certainty of when or if the situation would get better. We became surrounded by death, fear, and paranoia. SB19 became the salvation many people badly needed at the time. These five young men became the refuge of many souls who were slowly fading away. Even when the pandemic finally ended and the world slowly started going back to normal, that anxiety and fear lingered on. Despite being able to leave our homes, we still fear that things will only turn for the worse. And so, SB19 became a continuous salvation and source of hope.

Being on social media, I have witnessed many testimonies of people who discovered SB19 during the darkest moments of their lives. Some were even at the point of giving up, but Pablo, Josh, Ken, Stell, and Justin came into their lives in some unexpected ways. They were saved by these people, and no matter how tough things had been, they chose to stay because these men have been a great part of their lives in one way or another. I was at my lowest when I saw Felip's Facebook reel, and I didn't know why I was that way.

I felt drained, exhausted, and sad even though 2024 just started but because of him, I found other amazing men who made me laugh, cry, be inspired, and taught me to look at things positively. I had been detached from people for a long time, but because of them, I found new friends I now treasure with all my heart. To me, SB19 wasn't my salvation. They were my redemption. I took back the person I lost a long time ago, and somehow, I understand all their fans. A'tin chose to stay because we are a family, the boys and us. Storms will come and go, but this fandom has already been so much, and I know we can overcome whatever comes our way.

This year's BBFA was a rollercoaster ride. From Round 1 to the Finals, we have faced some of the biggest fandoms internationally. There were many times we thought we were going to lose, but our dedication has always been our greatest weapon. Dua Lipa's fans gave us millions of gaps, but we persevered. Rhianna's fans were believed to be voting only casually yet her votes rapidly multiplied on the last day of the voting period. There were many speculations about what happened, but one truth remained, A'tin wasn't against one fandom at a time.

That thought alone would have been enough to discourage us, but it did the opposite. With every report we received, the anger and the hunger to fight for these amazingly talented men only intensified. Each member of the fandom went on all social media platforms to encourage their online friends to vote. Pablo once said that we are not the biggest fandom, but we are the most dedicated ones. Once again, this fandom proved him right. But our reason to celebrate is not only about winning this year's BBFA. The finals of the Billboard Fan Army triggered an event that I never thought would be possible.

Different fandoms from other PPOP groups and celebrities joined forces to help ensure that SB19 will be hailed as the winner once again. It was a beautiful experience seeing all their social media call for their members to help. Even the members of multiple PPOP groups and fans of the international superstar Taylor Swift joined and rallied for us. Somehow, it made me feel proud to be a Filipino. That was an example of the lost Filipino practice: BAYANIHAN. I'm certain MAHALIMA is proud right now, not because they won but because we all found a common ground to fight for a single purpose. Despite the differences or past issues, we all came together and became victorious.

A'tin truly is powerful. We can make anything happen as long as we put our minds to it. First was the Watson's Playlist concert. We showed how respectful and loving we are, and it inspired others to be the same. Our hearts are in the right place and it garnered us the help we needed. This is the fandom SB19 built, a fandom that will ride the thunder if they have to for our beautiful gentlemen. A fandom that will be their voice when the world becomes so loud and blind. Most importantly, this is the beginning of something beautiful, a change in the trajectory of the Philippine Entertainment Industry. We all learned that we are not enemies but allies aiming for the same results, and fighting for the same goals. It is true what G22 Aj said.


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