Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pablo Nase

 Have you seen a man that is both beautiful and handsome? A man who could pull off a long skirt and still look handsome? It has been a part of the world's tradition that skirts are women's clothes, but Pablo broke that stereotype.

Photo from @sekenseason Twitter (X) post

I mean, have you seen this man? He has been rocking it every single time. But his androgynous beauty is not the only reason many have decided to become a frozen Hatdog in his Fan House Freezer. Pablo, born John Paulo Nase on September 14, 1994, is the second eldest of five siblings. With two other brothers and two younger sisters and his parents' excellent parenting skills, he grew up as a responsible, God-fearing person. His kindness and wisdom is evident in everything he does.

"Always choose to be kind."

It was one of his most famous quotes, reminding fans that kindness is a choice and it is free. You wouldn't necessarily spend so much energy being kind; heck, you won't even spend a penny. Kindness is not choosing to judge a person by the little information we have from word of mouth or on social media. It is the act of choosing not to spread negativity and showing compassion—simple things that many of us have neglected time and time again.

Dubbed by fans as Pinuno, he had taken many roles in life even before he began his career as the main rapper, chief songwriter, and leader of SB19. But to truly know him, one must take time to understand the mind of a PPOP Legend.

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