Sunday, August 18, 2024

PPOP Power Concert Part 2


This year's Watson's Playlist concert was explosive. Bringing together the most talented PPOP groups was a power move on their part. It showed their capacity to put together a world-class performance with amazingly talented acts. It was a night to remember, an absolutely historic night for PPOP fans, seeing the most talented PPOP groups perform on one stage. The happiest is SB19. This was their dream and six years ago, it was an impossible dream, but now it's finally a reality.

A new group performed for the pre-show named, New:ld. The quintet surely still has so much to learn, but they all have natural talents. They have the moves and the vocals. With more training and the right sound for their group's identity, they will surely build a strong fanbase that would support them all the way. Besides, they're young, and they have ample amount of time to improve. I'm certain that when they finally introduce themselves to the world, we will all be ready for them. Alamat has a unique sound, rooted in their origins as individuals. Their songs are commonly written in their provincial dialect, which I appreciate so much as it promotes their hometowns, too. Aside from that, it shows how confident they are even in their own dialect. They, too, have the moves and the vocals. With a little more improvement in their stage presence, their success can be limitless.

G22 is a three-member group that evokes so much power on stage. Whenever they perform, they radiate confidence and command attention. Their vocal powers are also impeccable, surely at the international level. This is the girl group that deserves the attention of the world.  They truly are the PPOP's Female Alphas. Unapologetically talented and confident and their only competition is themselves. There is no other female group like G22. As someone who watched KAIA for the first time, I was pleased to hear them sing live. Only shows how confident they are about their talents and how they respect the crowd. For me, singers who lipsynch disrespect the crowd, especially in a paid event. People's hard-earned money deserves a live, worthy performance.

Hori7on showed why they deserved to be a part of the PPOP scene. They sang all their prepared songs live and matched their performance with lively, synchronized dance moves. These boys also have so much potential, and I am rooting for them. I believe I am speaking on behalf of everyone who attended the Watson's Playlist concert by saying we all enjoyed the night to the fullest. When it was time for SB19 to perform, I was anxious. Knowing that not everyone in the arena was their fans, I thought many would leave, but no. Almost everyone stayed and when our boys' performance began, the whole arena shook!

For a long time since the Pagsibol era ended, Mana was set aside and performed only on a handful of occasions, but it never lost its charm. Pagtatag Finale was the first-ever SB19 concert I attended and as an automatic Mana enthusiast when I became a part of the fandom, I didn't expect to watch it live for the first time. That song was a dark horse. It's not something many people would listen to, yet it still has that massive impact. After the deafening screams of the entire crowd, SB19 performed their debut song next. The beautiful Tilaluha served as their trial run and gave them an understanding of the music that could work for them. After a few minutes of rest, they drove the crowd crazy once again by performing their newest single, KALAKAL with the master rapper, Gloc-9.

But the absolute highlight of the night was the collaborative performance of AlamatHori7on, G22, KAIA, and SB19. The Philippine flag flashed on the LED screen as the song What? played, with five undeniably talented PPOP groups, and the PPOP fans screaming for them. It was amazingly emotional to watch the PPOP Kings with the next generations of PPOP groups following in their footsteps. The respect among each group and towards SB19 was palpable, and A'tin witnessed how happy our five were last night. It's happening, their collective dream is coming to life, and it is an honor to watch it unfold.

Whenever SB19 performs with other artists, the drive to deliver a high standard of performance is inevitable. They have that aura in them that is rooted in their drive and passion that radiates toward everyone around them. It is an infectious trait and we all witnessed it last night. There was evident grit in each performance, especially during the collaborative performance. No group allowed themselves to be overshadowed by the other, which gave an electrifying performance that the crowd truly deserved. What a time to be a PPOP fan with these incredible talents carrying the flag of the country.

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